Hope. Dictionary.com defines hope as "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best; a person or thing in which expectations are centered." On August 18, 2017 John Wall and his “John Wall Family Foundation" provided the D.C. community with a glimpse of hope. When most celebrities and athletes visit Washington D.C. they tend to visit the areas that you see on TV. However, there is another side of Washington D.C. that is not frequented or given proper attention to. It's a place where children do not see hope when they step outside. Instead of seeing hope and a bright future they see drug dealers, liquor stores and poverty. The “John Wall Family Foundation "held a Back To School Field Day at the Rosedale recreation center in a depraved Northeast neighborhood. There is nothing more important than giving back and with all of the craziness going on in the world it was a great to see someone of John Wall's caliber and stature actually give back to a community in need. When you turn on the news you only hear about the mess that is going on with the recent protests. That has dampened the atmosphere for all minorities everywhere, but Wall and his foundation was that shining light of hope for the kids in attendance Friday in Washington, D.C.
There were vendors everywhere at the event, the tents were set up all around the football field. There were also games, music, food and backpacks filled with school supplies for the kids. When Wall arrived the looks on all of the kids in attendance was priceless, it was if they had seen superman. What made it even special was the fact that John's family, including his sisters and his mother were there helping out with everything. The Wizards franchise player took his time to take pictures with every child that was in attendance and that was the highlight of the day. These kids need someone that they can relate and look up to. Wall is seen as a superstar to many, he is still a human being at the end of the day. Wall still has that Humble and Hungry mentality, he often references his childhood to let the youth know he's seen his share of struggles as well. There are many athletes that tend to forget where they came from, that's not the case for John whose been extremely active in the community.
While speaking at this event John Wall said "I hope that you kids are excited to go back to school, I know that some of you all may not want to, but you have to go to get to where ever you want to be in life. Whether you want to be a teacher, scientist, basketball, football or soccer player everyday that you wake up you have to strive to be great, get your education and listen to your parents." Wall also said " I just want these kids to understand that no matter where you started at and no matter what you go through you always can accomplish anything in life. It might not be a professional basketball player. It might be a doctor,, it might be a nurse, it might be whatever you want it to be but whatever you want to be you have to lock in and set your goal for it and work hard everyday for it."
He emphasized other career goals that did not include sports and that was great to hear, because not everyone can become a professional athlete. It was great to hear an athlete of Wall's caliber talk to the next generation about goals. We as a people need more teachers, scientists, lawyers, counselors, and social workers. John seemed to emphasize just that when speaking to the youth at his event.

The children that were in attendance will never forget the experience, memories like these are what really matters. The type of experiences that can make a lasting impact and will remain in their memory bank forever. Barack Obama's original campaign slogan was HOPE. Not everyone will agree that Obama accomplished that mission, but everyone can agree that since the day John Wall was drafted, he's made a big impact both on and off the court. He's provided both the outskirts and inner city of Washington, D.C with a sense of hope. #DCFamily