(Repost From December 30, 2012)

"MR 70... Will be his name to me." - Chris Howard
"Him scoring 40,50,60,70 points made me wanna go out there and push myself to be better, so without him knowing I was always tryna out do him and in turn that made me a better player."- Kevin Durant
Once again we in the DMV are mourning for one of our fallen brethren in basketball. What makes this lost hurt the most, is the cloud of mystery regarding the reason why one of our brightest talents of this generation Jamar "Silent Assassin" Board life has been cut short. Me personally, I have dealt with my share of deaths, some personally some professionally, and each time it not only forces you to reflect on the fallen individual solely, you also take a look in the mirror at yourself, your impact on the past, present an future and how you can leave a positive mark when the man above call your name. Silent life ended in a tragic way, however his impact as a basketball player and person will forever be felt in the basketball world, especially here in the DMV. Everyone mourns at their own pace, me I like to focus on the positive memories left behind, that helps me to keep pushin during times like these, and boy did Silent leave a lot of positive memories for me. From the couple of times I played against him at Run n Shoot or the countless times I watched him give dudes THE BUSINESS at the farms during Goodman League play, he ALWAYS was one of the guys you had to pay attention to. Truthfully, he was one of the most difficult players I ever had to guard and I know a lot of players who share that same thought regarding his game. The hell with parking lot range, that boy had out in space range. Could finish at the rim. And his pat game was as lethal as they come. Silent could also pass and rebound well for his size and had a very high I.Q which you can only get from studying and working at the game non stop, his work ethic is the stuff of legend. I have nothing but respect for Silent! RIP brotha, you in the best place to be in the caring loving arms of the man above. Now you can hoop non stop in peace!
The passing of Silent didn't just hit me, it hit many of the best DMV basketball players of my generation as well. These guys competed with and against Silent on the regular. You can tell by their words they feel the same way I do, check it out.
"One of the smoothest jump shots I have seen, very creative with his handle and he competed. One of the best scorers in the DMV." - Mouktar Fawehinmi
"Dedicated to basketball beyond belief. Never missed a day without hooping. Always talked about doing better for his family. Just started to understand what life was really about believed he was going to start playing professionally at some level in the near future. Loved his girlfriend kita like no other. Could score with the best of them on any court. Pure shooter and handles and moves on top of moves to get his own shot. Stayed in some nice Hooping gear shoe game was on a 1000. Real down to earth dude that's gone home too soon." - Chris Howard
"He was a very good dude. I think he was one of the best players, scorers and shooters to ever lace them up in this area. I've seen him work hard on his game and the improvement was evident everytime he stepped on the court. Jamar just wanted to make it and show the world his hard work just like every other player. He had NBA game and I really wish he got his opportunity. So like everyone will say on the court he was very good but he was just as cool off the court. We lost a good dude and BBALL legend in this area. Basketball won't be the same! R.I.P bro! we miss you and love you man!" - Daryl Greene
"One of the best scorers and competitors in the DMV. If there was major basketball going on,he was there. LITERALLY a gym rat, a dude who always wanted to better his game and prove people wrong. The DMV basketball will not feel the same not seeing him take the court. He was one of the dudes every summer you hear stories on how he fried somebody and put up crazy numbers. We talk about basketball legends in this area, and he is one of them. Just imagine if somebody would have gave him a legitimate shot, who knows where his game would have took him. And as a person, a real good dude and eager to learn more and better himself.Still feels surreal to me."- Travis Garrison
"To be honest the whole thing is sad cuz my homie could flat out do it smh" - Duke Crews
"One of the most misunderstood people I ever met and arguably the best flat out shot maker I ever seen."- Joe Flegler
"A true gifted talent. One of the best to ever come out the area. If you know or played against me defense is what I do, but when I had to match up against Jamar, I knew I had better be ready or he will light me up! One of the toughest match-ups EVER. Im gonna really miss those battles. I know how much he loved ball. He deserved that CHANCE like a lot of us are still trying to get."- Dele Ojo
" Silent was dedicated to the game of basketball! He lived in the gym and he dominated everywhere he went. I don't know why they called him Silent though? he would let you know that he was destroying you lol, no matter who it was. Silent's confidence and work ethic was unmatched. I am honored to have crossed paths with Jamar and to have the chance to witness his God- given ability. He was truly blessed! I will forever remember his smile and joyful and caring spirit! I pray that God will bless his family and that his life will be a blessing to the lives of us all!"- Chris Flegler
" I've known Jamar since I was about 12 years old living in Suitland, and all of the memories I have of him were involved with basketball. He was a fierce competitor and never backed down from anybody, his work ethic was inspiring and selflessness stood out. He wanted everybody from the area to make it, once I made it to the NBA he always stayed the same with me, never treated me any different and always wanted to see me do well! He wasn't the most physically gifted or wasn't the tallest but he was one of the best because he worked his ass off! Him scoring 40,50,60, 70 points made me wanna go out there and push myself to be better, so without him knowing I was always tryna out do him and in turn that made me a better player. He stayed modest and humble when his name started to blow up over the last few summers, he stayed positive and was always trying to better himself! It's gonna be different not seeing him in the summers killing anymore! I pray to God that he is living in eternity with the father and looking down on all of us. In the DMV us basketball players consider this a fraternity and to see a brother go, HURTS! I'm praying for his family and i'm dedicating my season to him. May he rest in peace!!!- Kevin Durant