It has become a rights of passage for a young player on the Washington Wizards to come to SE, DC and prove himself to the die hard hoops community inside the gates of the famed George Goodman League. Former All Star guard Gilbert Arenas got the ball rolling back in the mid 2000's, and appearances from former Wizard players like Andray Blatche and Nick Young followed. John Wall ushered in the current era, doing work back in 2011 and last summer the all star in waiting, Brad Beal stepped inside the gates for the first time, taking on one of the most respected teams in the league Lincoln Park and their deadly two way guard Dele Ojo.....Beal didn't disappoint. Beal after a slow start (credit the defense of Ojo with that) proved why he is considered one of the top shooting guards in the NBA, going off for 33 points in a comeback win over Lincoln Park. Beal displayed an offensive arsenal that not only won the Goodman crowd over but made even the most critical of individuals show love. Check out the highlights courtesy of Wingsworld below.