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Summer Series - Steve Francis aka The Reason DESTROYS Rucker Park

By Cardell Dudley

With summer near, once again,it's time to get ready for summer league hoops throughout the DMV area. Summer hoops is serious in these parts. No one cares if you're a guy averaging 30 in a nearby rec league, high school, college, semi pro, overseas, D-League and also the NBA, everyone is fair game and if you don't come to play, you can and more than likely will get torched. So until the summer leagues start up around the area, I will provide you your summer league fix, highlighting some of the best summer league performances in recent memory from our area's best. First up Stevie Franchise or as some may know him...."THE REASON"

Back in the early 2000's, already one of the the more exciting players in the NBA, Houston Rockets point guard Steve Francis took his ever growing game to play in New York's famed Rucker Park. Francis walked in "The Franchise" but left "The Reason. It was simply childs play as Francis did everything he wanted to the delight of the crowd. Vicious crossovers, jumpers from deep and windmills with ease, Francis unleashed the entire repertoire proving that the hype of the former 2nd pick was indeed warranted. Watch the ridiculous highlights below.

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